- Set oven to 250.
- Put in a bowl (a big bowl will make mixing easier) and mix all ingredients together.
- Line a half-sheet tray with parchment. Spread the mix on the tray. Put the tray in the oven. Check occasionally--if the granola start browning quickly, turn it down. You want to get the granola completely dried out and slightly browned. I usually leave the oven on for 3 hours at night, then turn it off but leave the granola overnight to finish drying.
- You can put the granola away away by picking up the long sides of the parchment to make a tube, then sliding the granola down the tube into a bag. (It's a little tricky and I usually spill some when doing this.
- Sometimes I spill it all. Keep granola in the fridge if you don't use it right away, or the nuts may go rancid.
- Eat straight or with yogurt, milk, or ice cream! Sprinkle on oatmeal for an oat overload!